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As the year starts its final stretch, September is a gentle reminder that it’s time to prepare for year-end financial decisions. Before the busy holiday season takes over, consider integrating charitable planning into your financial and tax strategies. Not only can it offer significant tax benefits, but it also brings the joy of supporting a noble cause like Albertina Kerr.

Here are some savvy ways to shift tax dollars to Kerr:

IRA Charitable Rollover
If you’re 70 ½ or older, an IRA Charitable Rollover might be a strategic choice for you. This method lets you rollover up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity. Doing this can support a cherished organization and potentially reduce your annual taxable income.

Outright Gift of an Asset
Do you have stocks, real estate, or other assets that have appreciated over time? By gifting them directly to a charity, you can avoid the capital gains tax and simultaneously earn a tax-saving charitable deduction based on the current market value.

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
With a DAF, you can obtain an immediate tax benefit. Your tax-deductible donation goes into the fund, from which you can then recommend grants to your preferred charities immediately or over time. It’s like having a charitable savings account for timely and thoughtful giving.

Zero-Tax Gift and Sale
If you’re contemplating selling an investment or property soon, consider gifting a portion to a charity first. This strategy can help you dodge capital gains tax on the gifted segment and allow you to receive cash back from the sale—a mutual benefit for you and the charitable entity.

Need Assistance?
If you would like more information on these end-of-year planning strategies, please call us at 503-262-0175 or email us at [email protected].

Special Thanks to our gift planning sponsor, Walen Construction, for their enduring support and dedication to our mission.