General Info 503-239-8101

I am a DSP (Direct Support Professional).

The reason I love being a DSP is that I want to make a difference in the lives of the people Albertina Kerr serves. I want them to know and understand they are all truly special and awesome and can do anything they want to if they focus and put their minds to it. All I want is for them to succeed while still enjoying being a teen, young adult, or older folk.

Being paid a low wage for everything we do makes it tough at times, especially with everything going on in the world, with prices of groceries, gas, rent, and just the basics going way up. It makes it hard to make sure things are paid without feeling like you are living paycheck to paycheck. If we don’t get an increase in our wages, many of us won’t have a choice but to find work elsewhere, or if people do decide to stay, they will need to find another job just to make ends meet.

Value the work. Raise the wage!

Please get in touch with your local legislators to help prioritize budget decisions. You can participate in the Oregon Resource Association’s “Voter Voice” campaign with just a few clicks to send a pre-written email. Click here to send an email today!